Category Archives: Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I just finished. It was fantastic. Have plenty of tissues.


Filed under Harry Potter


Long time, eh? Sorry about that! I’ve been pretty busy the past two weeks…getting the things I still needed for the house (LOVE craigslist!!), planning and hosting Natalie’s 5th birthday party, having a blast with a high school friend who came to visit..the list goes on and on! I sat down several times to blog, but couldn’t come up with anything to say! I’m still waiting on my sister to email the pictures from Natalie’s party, but suffice to say it was a blast. She had such a good time, and I think the only thing that would have made it better would have been cooler weather. I’m not much for hot, humid days!

So, I totally love craigslist! I was able to get the kids a set of bunkbeds with mattresses (twin on top, full on bottom) for $150, a 4 year old (and in perfect condition!) washer for $50, and an older but still perfectly functional dryer for $35. You can’t beat that! I am SO in love with being able to wash clothes at home again. My washing has been going along faster than I’m able to fold, so I’ve got quite a towering basket of clean laundry in my room…but it’s all good! :o)

 Has anyone had a chance to see the new Harry Potter movie yet? I’m DYING to go, but I’m not quite sure it would be appropriate for my new 5 year old. Natalie likes HP, but this is a “darker” movie than the rest, and I just don’t want to freak her out.


Filed under Harry Potter, Kids, Random Crap


I’ve been pondering what to make my Mom for Mothers day, and thought about a shawl. After speaking to Lynlee on the phone yesterday and seeing the pattern she was eyeing, I decided to go for it. Until I actually read the first line of the pattern…

“…cast on 541 stitches…”

I think I’m looking for a new pattern. I finished knitting the thing with all the pink/purple novelty yarns last night, but I have to finish weaving in about a million ends. Then I’ll share a photo.

Have you seen the trailers for Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix? Awesome. I get insanely excited about HP books/movies. Love ’em. Just love ’em. Plus, those Weasley twins are mighty cute 🙂 Not to mention Snape and Malfoy Sr. I’m just sayin…wouldn’t mind some alone time with those two!!

 Natalie’s outfit today-

Jack was chewing on a purse strap and watching Knitty Gritty with me today. Did I tell ya’ll that he can stand on his own now? Has been able to for about 2 weeks now, and he’s not quite 8 months old yet! Genius I tell you! Adorable video follows 🙂


 Crap- why can’t I ever get my photobucket videos to save on here? Drives me batty. Click the following links for cuteness beyond words!


Filed under Harry Potter, Kids, Knitting